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Weight Loss Sensible Tips

December 31, 2009

Weight Loss Sensible Tips
Many of diet information cost money and cause great distress because they don't work. To lose weight quickly, you have to make a clear goal in mind and go about it methodically and consistently. Eating right and exercising right are essential to losing weight sensibly.

At first, did you know that you can consume more calories through what you drink than what you eat? If you consume large quantities of sweetened drinks (soda drink), it is possible to see a difference in your weight over time if you substitute them with water. Drink a plenty of water will help cleanse the toxins from your body and help you feel hydrated and energized.

Control the quantity you eat, this is really the most important part of any weight loss plan. If you continue to eat the same large quantity you are not giving your brain the chance to trigger your full response. As you gradually cut down on the size of the portions you consume you will find that your brain starts to act faster in sending out "I'm full" message. Realization that you are full will come long before you have consumed a large portion.

The simple rule of weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume. Take the simple form of exercise. You can try walking or jogging. Walking is easy, it won't cost you anything! Move around, even if your job requires you to sit at a desk all day long, get up to stretch or take a short walk. Doing this every hour or so will help to keep your body active.
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Build a Time Saving and Effective Fat Burning Workout

December 30, 2009

fat burning exercise
The most common reason people put on weight and fail to exercise is lack of time. Obviously, anyone who has a hectic schedule like busy mums and corporate executive would struggled to make that kind of time for workout. So should busy people resigned to fate that they have to give up their health and gain weight or live with minimal results even if they try to exercise a little?

That is not the excuse. You should know that if you can combine the short workouts and healthy eating habits, you will get the maximize results of weight loss.

For quick and effective weight training, make sure to perform only the multi-jointed exercises that targets multiple muscle groups all at the same time. It not only saves times by maximizing the most calories it also train and tone as many muscle groups as possible at the same time. So what some examples of such exercises? Squats, lunges, burpee, push up and deadlifts. You can use many others as long it is an exercise that does not isolate a single muscle part. Be sure to steer away from single jointed weight exercises because it is not time-efficient and can only work on muscle group at a time.

Forget about the long slow distance type of cardio, because they can cause more catabolic effects on the muscles if you overdo them meaning you can lose muscle tone as a result. But with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), you can achieve more by doing less.

To save you the most amount of training time, you can fuse both compound weight training and HIIT training together. You can perform 20 seconds of push up followed by 10 seconds rest then followed by 20 seconds of light weighted back squats and then followed by a 10 second rest again. Repeat this routine for 4 rounds and do them with speed but still maintain tip top form.

Be sure to alternate between a upper and lower body compound movement exercises to maximize performance and results. If you are not breathing hard then you are not working hard enough. Start with a 15 minutes routine and gradually increase it to 30 minute maximum for 3 to 4 times a week.
Read More - Build a Time Saving and Effective Fat Burning Workout

Exercises to Get Your Skinny Body Back

December 29, 2009

Exercises to Get Your Skinny Body Back
Before I cover the various types of exercises to lose weight, it's important that you also understand how necessary a healthy eating plan into your daily routine too. What you eat plays a big part in the effectuality of your exercise program so it's important you work on maintaining a healthy diet that will help your cause.

Your diet should include plenty of fresh and natural foods. The reason for this is because it takes a lot more energy for your body to digest these foods when compared to processed or canned foods. It is also important that you eat 5-6 times per day, starting with breakfast, to give your metabolism a boost.

Once you have your diet right, it's time to work on the physical aspects of your weight loss program.

Firstly, you need to begin your workouts with strength training. Strength training builds muscle which is exactly what you need to do in order to boost your weight loss results. However, these exercises will help you to boost your metabolism in order to lose weight.

Cardio should be another important aspect of your weight loss program. In fact, only as little as 15 minutes a day of intervals training will be enough to give you results. For example, you could walk for 60 seconds, and then sprint for 30 seconds, alternating this five to six times, followed by a few minutes of walking at a moderate pace to cool down.

After your workout, a protein shake will help with muscle repair and growth to create quicker results.

The above exercises to lose weight should take you no less than around 45 minutes a day. Do these three times a week!
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Avoid Gaining Weight in the Holiday Season (Part 2)

December 28, 2009

Do not neglect your exercise routine during the holiday season. It is important that you keep exercising during the season, and you need a regular routine of both aerobics and strength training. This will at least keep your weight under control.

Try not to pile on the food on your plate on the first round, but instead take a small portion, chew your food properly, and eat slowly. This will prevent you from overeating.

The holiday season is not a license to eat more desserts! If you must have desserts, have a bowl of fruit or a fruit salad. Avoid desserts such as pies and ice streams and foods with high-fat and high sugar content that are highly refined, these foods tend to go directly to your bottom line.

A lot of people associate different sounds, such as music with eating, during the holiday season. It is amazing that we start to hear Christmas music playing on the radio and in the store's from as early as October. My suggestion is limit the playing of these music in your own home so early in the season. The holiday music, sights, and smells will trigger your subconscious to want to eat.

Do not to starve yourself! Denying yourself food will only increase your hunger intensity and this will force you to over eat when the food is finally presented to you. Try to stay on schedule and eat your meals as normal during the day. Have a healthy breakfast, moderate lunch, and a light dinner.

Gaining weight is a real risk during the holiday season. But you can easily avoid this trend, and not become a statistic by following these simple tips during the season.

Happy holidays
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Avoid Gaining Weight in the Holiday Season (Part 1)

December 27, 2009

Holiday season is once again upon us, and we know that most people have a tendency to overeat, and over drink, and stuff themselves with whatever food passes by. It seems as if most people use this time of year to eating anything, and this can lead to serious consequences. Any weight loss that you had successfully achieved is brought to null.

So why not make an effort to practice moderation and, temperance for this holiday season. If you can have victory in over eating during this holiday season, then you will be mentally prepared to lose more weight after the season is over. Do not over eat and then say "My new year resolution is to lose weight in the new year." Now more people have an opportunity to gain more weight by taking part in all this extended holiday festivities that seems to go on and on.

The key here is moderation, eating and drinking in moderation. Since we have a very long holiday season nowadays, it is important that you DON’T buy the fattening, high-fat, high sugar foods and store them in your home. These foods will only increase your temptation to nibble here and there, and before you know it you have eaten over 50lbs of junk and fattening foods.

If you're having a dinner celebration with friends and family over, then tried to buy your food items closer to the time. This will prevent you from having all that food in the house for weeks before and eating continually.

Try to limit your festivities to 1 no more than two for the entire holiday season. Most people will tend to over eat if they have a big food preparation, and there is a lot left over. So if this happens encourage your friends and family to take the leftovers with them you do not need all that left over in the house.

I know the holiday season is a time for high sugar and high fat foods, but make an effort to shop more wisely. Stock up on fruits and vegetables, and use this as your base for whatever you are preparing.

Try to avoid animal products or at least reduce it significantly over the holiday season. There are many health alternatives to the foods we normally think we have to have during the holiday season. Just search on GOOGLE about vegetarian or vegan dishes and you will be amazed at how many great tasting foods that are readily available that won't get you fat.

If you must have a huge feast, then try as much as possible to prepare the food yourself. Use the wholesome, fresh fruits and vegetables during your food preparations. Avoid foods in cans or highly processed and refined foods as these foods are loaded with sugar and salt.

To Be Continue...
Read More - Avoid Gaining Weight in the Holiday Season (Part 1)

DHA for Weight Loss

December 26, 2009

DHA for Weight Loss
Sea food is rich both in minerals and in the fat burning omega3 fatty acid, known as DHA. Such light sea food protein garnished with some valuable greens, is both delicious to eat and extremely nutritious. Sea food is also renowned for its zinc content which strengthens the immune system and boosts energy levels which is also important for losing weight.

While sea food is a great form of eating, there is one important drawback for this becoming a daily form of ritual. There are many health authorities who do warn against eating too much ocean food because of the risk posed by contaminants in today's seas.

Zinc along with some other types of omega fats can be gained from eating pumpkin seeds or paste. Organic powdered kelp would also be a great way to get a host of valuable minerals. But fish derived fatty acids are the real king for burning fat due to their DHA content.

One of the greatest problems with dieting is the inevitable blues and lowering of the mental mood, which comes with most dietary programs on implementation, after a short period of time. Omega3 fats are great mood regulators. Indeed they are often used to help those who suffer from extreme mood swings, because of their mood bracing capabilities. If it can work for bipolar disorders then you bet it has to give you the mental survival to succeed with your diet plans, as your body experiences inevitable changes.

Such highs provoked by exercising will also get the fat burning capabilities of our DHA fatty acid moving and burning those body layers. In the morning when you weigh yourself, you may be pleasantly surprised by the melt down.
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Diet Diary for Weight Loss

December 25, 2009

Diet Diary for Weight Loss
A recent study from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine concluded that those who kept a diet diary (food journal) everything they consumed lost twice the weight as those who did not. So start any program with a diet diary!

Many people find that keeping a diet diary will helps them to stay focused on the calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fats they consume. By recording the foods you eat into a diary, you will be able to maintain the healthy eating, track your progress, and also go back and even lost weight.

Keeping a diet diary does not have to be an overly time consuming task and may be easier than you think. You have to stay on top of it by having your meals available at all times, so each time you eat you can add it to the list. If you wait until later in the day or next day, it's easy to forget everything you consumed, especially that chocolate candy there and that cookie there. Those little things add up, so don't leave them out.

There are many reference books and online sources that can be used to calculate proteins, carbs, fats, and calories of foods. Also, you can determine what you're eating by simply check the nutrition labels on the package.

So by tracking your calories and keeping a food journal diary it's easier to make sure you're eating just the right amount to reach your goals. This is the only way you will be able to lose weight and keep it off. Your metabolism is one of the main ways of burning fat to keep you from gaining weight. If you keep it high by eating healthier meals, less calories and smaller meals you will burn excess fat and help in the quest to lose weight.
Read More - Diet Diary for Weight Loss

Merry Christmas!!!

loosing weight

loosing weight

loosing weight
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Eating Out on Diet

December 24, 2009

Eating Out on Diet
For those who are trying to lose weight, it can be a nightmare to be told that for a forthcoming special occasion. For the example, the guy you like wants to take you out to some beautiful little restaurant. Your immediate instincts tell you to scream 'no' citing calories as a reason.

Eating out on a diet can be fine and perfectly acceptable without completely damaging the hard work you have done so far. Try these tips:

1. Most restaurants have their entire menu online. If the one you are going to does not, call and ask them to fax it to you. Decide what you will have before you even get there and have chance to become blind sighted by fancy marketing!

2. Order your main meal from the appetizer's list. Go for a side salad or a healthy soup. This will absolutely fill you up, keep your bank balance and happy and leave you with enough room to split a good dessert.

3. If you see something on the menu that might be perfectly healthy, but then have it listed battered, ask them not to batter it. Most restaurants are quite happy to make certain adjustments to their menu in order that they can meet your dietary requirements. Asking for something without batter or with no sauce really is not such a big deal for a restaurant.
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Fat Burning Workout Plan

December 23, 2009

Fat Burning Workout Plan
When it comes to fat loss, gaining lean muscle and improving your fitness and health variety is your best path. Now I mentioned 4 different ways to exercise above do you know the combination and workouts you could put together?

Using variety will keep you motivated and focused on getting to your fitness and fat burning goals. If you keep challenging yourself with new and different workouts you will start to look forward to them. Especially once you start seeing the rewards in the mirror.

I don't want it to sound like I just jump into a workout not knowing what I'll do that day. I do have it planned ahead of time but I will deviate from the plan also. So, at first, set a plan! You do need to plan this ahead on at least a weekly basis.

Commit to Weight training Monday and Thursday use total body exercises. As an example:
1. Deadlifts
2. Pushups
3. Clean and Press

Use heavy weights, keep your reps in the 4-8 range, 4-5 sets each (best for lean muscle gains and losing fat). Yes it is only 3 exercises but with these 3 exercises you have also worked virtually every muscle group, Workout with intensity, haphazard workouts give haphazard results.

Tuesday and Friday do some Kettlebell exercises - Use timed sets.
1. Kettlebell Swings
2. Kettlebell Snatch

Set a timer for let’s say 5 minutes. With timed sets every workout try to do more reps than the workout before. You don't need to do 10 more reps if you can't even 1 more than your last workout is progression.

Wednesday and Saturday could be Interval Training.
Do some bodyweight circuits, Jump Rope, go outside and do some sprint intervals.

This is just an example of how you could set up your exercise week. No you don't have to workout 6 days a week. You should set up your workout to your conditioning level. Keep your workouts short 45 minutes (for weight training) 20 minutes and under (for kettlebells and Intervals).

I guess in a round way what I'm saying is if you say to yourself I am weight training today but I really feel like doing Intervals than do Intervals that day. You are motivated to do intervals not weight train that day.
Read More - Fat Burning Workout Plan

Lose Weight and Fat Together

December 22, 2009

Lose Weight and Fat Together
Technically by dropping fat you are indeed to lose weight. The fat cells are normally what are deposited in the troublesome areas: tummy, behind, thighs and upper arms. While fat cells are a necessary part of the human metabolism, they sometimes exist in excess, whereas needed muscle tissue is sometimes lacking.

The problem is, should the diet and exercise program focus solely on burning fat tissue or does it need to be more generally adaptive to losing pounds and inches? This question really depends on the goals of the participant. You should have the final say so on this matter.

In order to lose weight and fat together, it is necessary to set a plan that focuses on the needs of the individual as a whole package and not just a participant. This means a menu balanced diet regimen can be adapted to each person.

Of course it is necessary to do the research on what type of program will best suit your needs, but this can be done with the plethora of information that is readily available on the internet. Just put in a few important terms into GOOGLE and you have begun your quest.

If you are trying to lose weight in the form of fat, then key on fat-burning diets that specifically target those adipose tissue cells. You must remember to find a plan that also will cater to your fitness level, since the great majority of these programs have a cardiovascular portion.

That means those people who are already in great shape and are looking for that last five or ten pounds. This is not to say there aren't regimens for the rest of the population, just not to grab the first thing that you see. But the most important thing is to get moving now and do your homework.
Read More - Lose Weight and Fat Together

Fast Weight Loss Workout

December 21, 2009

Fast Weight Loss Workout
You need to find a workout that is fun and something that you will enjoy, until you reach your weight goal, your fitness goal, and beyond.

If you are looking for some sort of fast weight loss workout, you should start out by thinking about what you really enjoy doing. Do you like to swim? Join a swim team! Well, there are lots of adult swim teams around and you don't have to be Michael Phelps to join.

Going to the gym every day, lifting weights, or walking on the treadmill, these may be a fast weight loss workout, but it isn't a lot of fun. Working out shouldn't be a job, it should be an opportunity to have fun! So, choose a fast weight loss workout that you love.

The best fast weight loss workout may be one that involves both explosive movement with distance or endurance. Basketball is a fine example of this. There is a lot of stopping and starting, jumping and running, and you will find that you burn more calories.

When you are on any kind of diet or workout program, you should have the advice of your doctor to make sure that you are already healthy. Working out can be taxing on your body, so get yourself checked out ahead of time.

But, once you get the "OK" and are ready to go, find yourself a program that is not a workout, not a hassle, and not a drag. Do something that you love!
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Natural Weight Loss Program

December 20, 2009

Millions of people are obese, with incessant pressure from doctors and manufacturers to slip a pill into the mouth and swallow your weight issues away, lose weight and safe and natural weight loss plans have forgotten.

Be careful with the so-called "natural supplements”. None of these supplements are approved by the FDA. The claims of losing weight are just claims, yet not proven.

Natural weight loss program, promotes the inclusion of healthy foods that fit within the food pyramid. These foods need to be carefully chosen to ensure the correct number of fruits, vegetables, grains and proteins are eaten with each meal.

In addition to choosing the right foods, the right portions for losing weight need to also be relearned. Over the past few decades, portion sizes have grown dramatically. The increase in portion size is almost parallel to the increase in the number of people suffering from being overweight or obese. While there are various portion size tricks, the easiest is the deck of cards. One portion of food should be the size of a deck of cards in both thickness and area. Moving portion sizes can often trigger natural weight loss.

Exercise is the perfect rule of natural weight loss program. Exercising takes time and dedication, which most people have more than enough of. But, the pain and embarrassment associated with gym time often leaves people feeling like they are being stared at or too sore to walk the next day. It’s very important to learn how to stretch before and after the exercise.

Weight loss takes time and the fact that your time is being spent in the gym; naturally burning calories is a commendable thing.

The most beneficial way to commence a natural slimming program is to begin by cleansing the inside of your body. You should drink a plenty of water and change your coffee with green tea! The body is one unit and all-over body health is important to a natural weight loss program.

Read More - Natural Weight Loss Program

Eating Healthy Foods!

December 19, 2009

Eating Healthy FoodsHealthy eating habits have forgotten. You can see everywhere, people are lined up at the drive-thru and gouging themselves with fast foods. And I hope this article will open your eyes to some benefits of healthy eating.

A healthy list of food choices for a nutritious diet includes fruits, vegetables, and proteins. The health benefits of these foods help prevent illness, flu and diseases.

Fruits are high in vitamin C. This vitamin helps the immune system and keeps illnesses at bay. These vitamins contain essential nutrients the body needs to stay healthy. You can try apples strawberries, oranges, lemons and blueberries.

Adding vegetables to your daily meals will provide other vitamins and nutrition. The health benefits of eating tomatoes and leafy greens such as spinach helps fight against heart disease and even some types of cancers.

Eating fruits and vegetables in their most natural state is the best, but if you have to cook them try to steam or boil them to keep some nutritional value. Also avoid adding an excess of saturated fats such as butters and oils. These things just take away nutrition and add fat to your diet.

Other foods on the healthy list include legumes from the family of peas and beans, the darker legumes especially provide nutritional value.

Proteins such as salmon and nuts are rich in omega 3. Omega 3 is good for brain development. And, snacks such as carrots, celeries, nuts, peanut butter and bananas are excellent sources to improve physical health as well as the loss of a few pounds. When consuming a nutritious snack you can eat as much as you want without having that guilty conscious.

The desire to eat smarter is catching on as obesity and diseases are running rapid. Going back to what you learned in school and eating from the four food groups still applies today for a healthy diet.

Read More - Eating Healthy Foods!

Negative Calorie Food List

December 18, 2009

Negative Calorie Food ListTo make a negative calorie food list, you must be precisely clear on what you mean. Many people have been confused about this phrase. Because some of them thought that negative calorie food contains no calories at all. The fact, all kinds of food contains at least some energy.

Now, I’m going to present you with a negative calorie food list. If you follow it, not necessary without any other kinds of food, it will speed up your metabolism naturally, and the result will be weight loss. Especially compared with eating a meal where these foods are not included.

At first you need to know about the definition. When I say 'negative' calorie food, what I mean is food which contain little energy that your body actually uses more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients. So if you deduct calories you'll burn from the calories you eat, the result will be negative. Only by digesting the food you have eaten, there will be a net loss of energy or a negative energy balance. This is what must happen if you want to lose weight quickly. And with the negative calorie food, you don't have to do anything but eat it to achieve your weight loss goal.

You can also eat protein in combination with negative calorie food. Good protein will help you to control your appetite as well as speed up your metabolism. Because the total amount of calories are not reduced too much.

Here is the negative calorie food list:

Vegetables: Fennel, gourd, broccoli, leek, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, marrow, cauliflower, peppers, celery, radish, chicory, spinach, cress, tomato, cucumber, turnip.

Fruits: Apricot, mandarin orange, blackberry, blackcurrant, peaches, plums, damsons, raspberry, grapefruit, rhubarb, guava, strawberry, honeydew melon, tangerine, lemon, watermelon.
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Water - Miracle Weight Loss

December 17, 2009

Water - Miracle Weight LossWhen it comes to lose weight, many people are looking for a magic bullet - a miracle that eliminates the responsibility of having to actually make adult decisions about their own health. Researchers have recently come up with a short guide on drinking water to lose weight quickly. Does that sound like a weight loss miracle to you?

Water helps suppress appetite naturally and drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day will help you lose weight and burn fat. Your body needs water since it's 60 percent of water.

If you don't drink enough, your body thinks it's in danger and tries to hold onto all the water it can get. The water is stored between the cells and shows up as extra weight. Your feet, legs and hands may even swell up. When your body gets enough water, the stored water is released.

You need water for your body to burn fat. Without water, your kidneys can’t do their job properly and your liver must pitch in to help. While helping the kidneys, your liver can't burn fat so some of it that is normally used as fuel is stored in your body instead. Drinking more water helps the liver get back to its own job of turning fat into fuel.

Drink at least 8 eight glasses of water each day. If you're overweight, drink an additional glass for every 25 pounds of excess weight. Cold water is best since it is easily absorbed and burns more calories. Avoid soda drinks or anything with caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic that will get rid of water.

Read More - Water - Miracle Weight Loss

Weight Loss Motivation

December 16, 2009

Weight Loss MotivationMotivation is not something we get "out there" somewhere it is something we bring to the surface from inside and this article shows you how to tap into it so you can use it to reach your weight loss goal. Go ahead and read on, it is time to put this problem behind you.

1. Your Reason
Find the reason why you want to lose weight. There are many reasons that you want to lose weight, such as want to look good, want to live healthy, etc. Write down the reasons in the piece of paper. Once you lack of motivation or lazy to do your exercises plan, read the paper!

2. It is better to move toward the good then to run away from the bad
Many people try to motivate themselves by telling themselves scary stories, for the example, "I am going to die early if I don't stop eating all this junk!" The researchers who study human behavior have found is that scare tactics do not work.

For true motivation focus on how great life will be when you lose the weight, what you will be able to wear, how you will feel and how easy it will be to move. You will naturally move toward your goal.

3. Cancel thoughts that block your desire. The mind has a tendency to want to stay the same and when you set out to change your body your mind will produce what seems like a flood of self-sabotaging thoughts. You must get very good at using one word, CANCEL. Every time you have a thought that leads you down a path of defeat say cancel so the thought cannot develop.
Read More - Weight Loss Motivation

Lose Weight for Wedding

December 15, 2009

Lose Weight for WeddingDo you would like to lose weight for wedding? Whether there are just 5 or 10 pounds, this article will help you to lose weight before your wedding. If you are like many people - you probably have promised yourself to look great on your wedding day.

Here the 3 Steps that will help you to lose weight for wedding:

1. Drink a plenty of water. Sounds simple, but it really helps to lose weight for wedding. Researches has shown that not so many people actually get this amount of water, so if you are one of them and your goal to lose weight for wedding is real, be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This will have a very positive effect on you and your body.

2. Change your eating habits. Eliminate junk foods from your menu! Promise yourself to avoid them just until your wedding. Also divide your three big meals into five meals but small portions. Eating small frequent meals will improve your metabolism and will have a great impact on your weight loss success. Try to eat small meals every three hours a day to maintain your weight.

3. Cut down sugar and salt. You also have to make some adjustments to your diet, to lose weight for wedding. If you are used to eat lots of carbohydrates, switch to a diet filled with protein as soon as possible. Cut down breads, cakes, pastas (some people also mention fruits, but they are usually not bad), and focus on egg whites, skinless chicken, turkey breast and fish.

The last for me:
Be patient and persistence. However, losing weight takes time, and if you do it right, you will lose weight for wedding.
Read More - Lose Weight for Wedding

FatLoss4Idiots – Burn Fat Quickly

December 14, 2009

I bet you have had enough searching about weight loss programs in order to achieve your weight loss goals. And you're probably sick to death of checking the back of food labels to see if that food has too much fat, too little protein, too many E numbers, etc.

Unfortunately, most are in some way or another. At the end of the day we are all different in looks and size but the nuts and bolts of it is that all our bodies work the same way. Maybe there will be slight variations from person to person, (genetics, environment, metabolism, etc.), but generally our bodies burn fat the same way and we lose weight the same way.

Of course over the years, we have become more advanced. Scientists, fitness experts, dietitians, and doctors have discovered the fat burning techniques that make the process more enjoyable and effective.

One of the recent discoveries is used in the new system called FatLoss4Idiots. This weight loss program has become one of the most popular techniques for helping your body burn fat quickly. Fatloss4Idiots based on calorie shifting. It is a unique way of tricking your body into keeping your metabolism high throughout the day by up-shifting and down-shifting into different value of calorie intake.

The creators of the Calorie Shifting have moved away from conventional ways of losing weight and through their FatLoss4Idiots program have incorporated many simple and proven ideas to burn fat. In this system nutrition, rather than exercise, is the main force behind the fat burning process with the foods.

Visit the main website now: FatLoss4Idiots
Read More - FatLoss4Idiots – Burn Fat Quickly

Lose Weight with Natural

December 13, 2009

Lose Weight with NaturalIt is not the secret again that weight loss or diet has a business. You can see everywhere, there are so many diet plans, diet programs, fitness programs, pills and supplements. But many of them were made to make money, not make you lose weight permanently. And in this article, you will know how to lose weight with natural.

Everyone knows that you will not able to lose weight, if you are not in a negative calorie balance. In other words, you need to burn more calories than you consume, so you will be able to lose weight. But, if you cut calories too much, your body will start to active the survival instinct because your body think that you are in starvation, danger of famine. The general guideline is to reduce your calories by 10-15% below your maintenance level and increase your activity a lot.

The key is eating small meals frequently. Eating small and frequent meals increases your metabolism, so you burn more calories, thus making it easier to burn fat. Skipping meals is something that slows down the metabolic rate. So eating small, frequent meals and not skipping meals.

Another way to lose weight with natural way is maintain your muscle. Muscle needs a lot of calories, so the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn. People too often concentrate of weight loss only, which is a mistake, because the scale does not tell you what exactly you are losing, sometimes you are not lose fat, you lose your muscle.

Now, you can see that lose weight with natural is certainly possible.

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Stay Away from Get in Shape Mindset!

December 12, 2009

I have heard many people that want to lose weight, always said, “I need to get in shape and burn fat”, or, “I want to get in shape and burn fat.” What you don’t hear them saying is, “I want to get in shape, burn fat, and keep it off”

They may want to stay in shape, but their mindset is focused on getting in shape. That’s why they always looking for the fad diets and latest exercise gimmick on the market. You’re so focused on getting in shape?

A simple change in the “quick fix” mindset to one of long term success will steer you down the correct path. You’ll be less enticed by the late night TV hype, and more focused on doing the right things most of the time. Wouldn’t you agree that lifelong health and fitness is what’s most important?

Of course creating an environment in your body that allows you to burn fat fast is essential to this goal. A person who is in shape in their 50s and 60s is a lot more impressive to me than someone who is lean and fit in their 20s and 30s. That’s because the dedication to maintaining the proper exercise plan and a sensible nutrition strategy for the rest of your life is rare to find. It’s a rare mindset.

If you really want to transform your physique and your health for good, you must make it a lifestyle, a habit. And that starts in your mind. That’s what the people who are lean for life do. In fact, if I think about all of the people I personally know that are in great shape and have been for a while, I start to understand that they have their minds on staying in shape.

They think about it day and night, not obsessively, but with each thing they do…they subconsciously think, “Is this going to positively or negatively impact my long term health and fitness?”. "Am I doing everything I reasonable can to burn fat and live a healthy lifestyle?".

So forgot about “get in shape” mindset!
Read More - Stay Away from Get in Shape Mindset!

Best Fat Burning Techniques

December 11, 2009

Best Fat Burning TechniquesDepend on the individual preferences there are many different diets such as pills, exercises and etc, but these are often fraught with side effects and can also be harder to commit to in the long term. However, diet and lifestyle is the most important part in losing weight.

Change in diet and lifestyle coupled with regular exercise is by far the best approach to burning fat off for long term.

Let’s start with cardiovascular exercises as a fat burning method. Cardiovascular exercises are basically a set of workouts, this type of training increases the burning of fats and calories in the body as a result of continued exercising.

Once the first type of exercise is finished with it usually moves on to other types of cardiovascular training such as the cross trainer or cross training and with guidance will increase in intensity and duration. This is very good to increase the aerobic side of the body. You can even select your own preference to exercises as you find which ones you prefer that help you achieve your own fat burning method.

Another great method is circuit training which involves participation in several cardiovascular methods for short periods of time and this type of exercise is intended for more advanced users however many people actually prefer using this type of exercise as they find it a more livelier form of exercise and less repetitive than individual apparatus workouts and as a result they find it easier to reach their desired weight through this form of exercise.

A newer form of exercise which is catching on more and more these days is cycle training which is carried out in the gym rather than on the road and this can be used as an effective method to increase intensity and duration of each session and if added to some of the other methods already discussed in this article it can be very effective as a cardiovascular training exercise and is one of the best ways to efficiently lose weight. It is a low impact exercise so injury is less likely to occur and a lot of gymnasiums have got these cycle machines now making it far easier for individuals to find their preferred method of fat burning techniques to achieve their goals.
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How to Eat to Lose Weight quickly

December 10, 2009

How many times per day should we be eating to lose weight quickly? I can tell you that three meals a day is not going to cut it when trying to burn fat fast and get lean, at least not in my experience. In fact, if you wanted to lose weight quickly, you should eat all of your daily calories in one meal.

Eating smaller more frequent meals throughout the day is the fastest way to fat loss. It fires up your metabolism, as every time you eat something, the metabolism kicks it up a notch. Try and eat 5-6 smaller meals per day, spaced about 3 hours apart.

Now, I know many people don’t want to be taken out of their breakfast, lunch, and dinner routine, so you can still eat at those traditional meal times, but try cutting back a bit on how much food you eat at those meals and add those calories into 2 or 3 snack meals in between. A snack meal could be a protein/energy bar or maybe even a piece of fruit and a slice of whole grain bread.

Now you can see eating for a lean, strong, and healthy body isn’t so difficult. It also doesn’t require you to eliminate essential foods like complex carbohydrates from your diet. In fact, doing so will put you into the cycle of confusion of fad diets that is all too prevalent in fitness today.

And that’s a cycle that’s tough to break out of. Focus on foods your body craves naturally instead, and the rest of the details will be easy to implement into your lifestyle. Before long you'll start to burn fat faster than you might have thought possible.
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Lose Weight Fast Diet

December 9, 2009

Lose Weight Fast DietWhen we talk about a fat person, most of us imagine a fat boy immersed in a pool of creams and cookies. However, many obese people do their best to lose weight and even starve themselves by skipping meals.

If you are overweight, perhaps you have already tried many of the diet plans available in the market that claim to help you in losing weight. But nevertheless you are here because none of the methods has proven to be successful for you.

First of all, you have to understand that if you want to cut down calories by making drastic changes in your diet, then you will need to do a lot of hard work and at the same time be dedicated as well. Some of the lose weight fast diet that will help you in losing weight fast are:

1. Increase your fruit and vegetable intake. Stay away from the foods that are high on calories alone, and increase your intake of citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit. The main thing is that you have to cut down on all of your fatty foods and eat as much fruit and vegetables as you can.

2. Increase the fiber intake. If you eat fiber rich food, you will always feel full, and you will not crave for food after every couple of hours. What you can immediately do is to increase your consumption of fiber by 25 grams a day and start observing the results. You may be quite happily surprised!

3. Remember that drinks like alcohol and caffeinated beverages also contribute significantly to your daily caloric intake. Omit these beverages, and you can increase your intake of healthier drinks such as fresh fruit juices and herbal teas. Drink a plenty of water as it will help in flushing out the toxins from your system and speed up the process of weight loss.
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Best Weight Loss Program for Introverts

December 8, 2009

Best Weight Loss Program for IntrovertsWeight loss can be done, but you need to have a strong determination and dedication to lose weight. It is equally hard to find the best weight loss program, especially for the introvert person.

What the different between introvert and extrovert in order to lose weight? Well, extrovert person can be easily got long with other people, that’s why they will be able enjoy their weight loss program, hit the gym, join the weight loss forum, etc. For introvert person, maybe they hard to hit the gym, shy when join the weight loss forum, but actually only have small different. However, it is hard to lose weight without a plan.

Ok, here are some tips to finding the best weight loss program for introverts:

1. Non - starvation program
Starvation diets do not work! You need a weight loss plan that will keep you energized and sluggish all day long.

2. Easy to follow
If the weight loss plan is too difficult to follow and stick to you will give up very soon in to it. Losing weight is not easy, so don't make it even harder for yourself.

3. See the results
The best weight loss programs will focus on faster weight loss but will also keep you healthy. Having faster results will also keep you motivated and keeping you on the program.

Finding the best weight loss program for introverts can be near impossible if you do not know what to look for, because there are thousands of weight loss offers and programs out there!

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Quick Weight Loss Tips

December 7, 2009

Quick Weight Loss TipsMost people fail in losing weight, it is because they don’t understanding how their body functions. People are always looking for the quickest way to losing weight, rather than thinking about the healthy. This means that even though they may have some success with a diet plan they try, they will regain all the weight back or even more because they didn't have a long term weight loss plan.

In order to lose weight quickly, you have to pay attention to your diet. Diet doesn't mean cutting out all of your carbs, or cutting out fats, it means what you eat on a daily basis. You are going to have to adjust it, according to your lifestyle that you have now, with the one that you are trying to achieve, in order to actually see results quickly that you can measure years from now. Planning for the short term, without having a long term diet plan will cause you to quickly regain the weight.

The quickest way to lose weight start with drinking a plenty of water! Drinking water helps your body absorb what it needs from the foods you eat, as well as ensuring that your internal systems keep everything moving. When food slows down in the digestion process, you tend to store more of the calories than if your body is digesting foods properly.

The next step is get enough nutrient. Your body will tell you what it needs. If you get cravings for sweets means your body needs carbs. Ensure you have the best chances at weight loss when this happens, by eating slow burning carbs instead of sugars and other fast burning carbs that can easily be converted into fat.
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Say NO to Fad Diets that Burn Fat

December 6, 2009

Fad diets, most of them are in for a couple of years and they’re gone. Then they find they are way back just when the fitness professionals know we are ready to eat them up again. When you're trying to burn fat, you really should avoid these things.

Now, many of these diets will provide some initial fat loss for many people. So you get some weight loss initially, but you could also lose some muscle on these programs too, and you know that losing muscle can spell disaster to your fat burning efforts. The bigger problem with these diets is that most who follow outlandish diets gain back the fat they lost, and then some!

They often recommend focusing on one type of food, for the example, Low Fat Diet, Low Carbs Diet, High Protein Diet, etc. It will lead to unhealthy eating habits. They are too strict to be realistically followed, especially for a long term, and they’re no fun. And anything you can't follow as a lifestyle will not burn fat in the long run.

Diets are based in a temporary mindset. The fact that someone goes on a diet means they will have to come off of the diet. This is temporary…why force yourself to lose 10 pounds when you’re just going to gain it back? That may sound simple, but most people just don’t get it…they look to fad diets as the answer to their weight and health problems. However fad diets not the answer. It will create more problems for you.

If you seek lifelong fat burning, health and fitness in a lean body, you should take some advice from my mom! Even your mom is not the nutrient-expert, but for most part, your mom was right. She didn't know anything about fat burning, but she will make sure you will get nutritious foods growing up. She tried to provide a balanced offering of the different food groups throughout the day. Thanks, Mom!

As you can see, your body naturally craves foods rich in nutrients (antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, minerals, etc.) When you eat most of your meals from foods rich in important nutrients, your body will body will be satisfied and overeating won’t be much of a problem.

Your metabolism start to burn fat as a natural result of giving your body what it thrives on. And it also lowering your risk for disease by promoting a natural alkaline environment in your body with these types of foods.

But, if you do the opposite and eat most of your meals from foods lacking in nutrients, you’ll keep eating and eating and eating to satisfy your nutrient needs. This leads to too many calories and a person who will just keep getting fatter and more prone to develop increased risk for disease with an acidic environment in the body. When this happens, you will gain a lot of pounds.

So nutrition for fat loss, fitness, and health really all do go hand in hand.

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Loosing Weight

December 5, 2009

Loosing WeightA few days ago, I have received an interesting email. The email is the article about “loosing weight”. Ok, just read it:

“The topic about loosing weight and diet is an interesting topic. It’s about how to keep oneself fit and fine. And there are many commercial advertisements shown on the television on how to lose weight. However, these advertisements basically try to focus on some equipment and convince the customers to buy them. They actually try to portray that their products are the best and by using it they are useful in loosing weight in just days. Actually they only want to sell the product and these equipments do not help in any great way.

Buying any gym related equipment which is shown in the TV or any miracle diet is not what it is shown to be. People do not get any result out of it. The only thing they lose is MONEY.

The best way to lose weight is to follow right diet plan and doing some exercises. The diet plan should have a balanced menu which contains protein, fat, vitamins, and low calories. About the exercise, there are many online exercises available which could be followed or even some CD packs available which contains some of the latest techniques on how to lose weight.

Loosing weight has many advantages. First of all, of course, you want to look good. You also will be free from all kinds of diseases. So everybody is trying to lose their weight than what they are.

Junk foods are very bad for health and increases fat very quickly. But, nowadays junk foods have become a favorite with young people and they are consuming it in a big way. That’s why people should take care about their diet as increasing of weight may lead to serious health problems.

This article is mainly trying to inspire the today's generation to be conscious about their health. By reading this article you will definitely understand the truth about loosing weight. In order to get something you definitely have to lose something. To look slim you have to sacrifice some tasty food and follow some exercises or do walking or jogging everyday in the morning. This is only the truth of loosing weight and staying fit. People who have followed this have gained in the long run.”

This article is very interesting for me. Ok, if you also have a good article about weight loss, just send it to me and I will share it at this blog. You can send your article at
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7 Steps to Find an Effective Diet Program

December 4, 2009

“64% of people are overweight in the US and 48% in Europe”
These people know they need to lose weight but do not know how and where to start. The right answer is finding the effective diet program! But, finding effective diet program is not easy, while there are many weight loss plans available on the internet, making the choice overwhelming.

Of course, you don’t want to waste your time by try one by one. All you need is to lose weight quickly, right? How do you find the best and the effective one? You need to use these 7 steps, so you will be able to find an effective diet program.

Here the 7 steps to find an effective diet program:
1. Find a list of popular diets and note them down or better still go to an honest diet review site
2. Stay away from crash diets and any diets that are labeled low fat diets, low carb diets, calorie diets, protein diets etc. They are unhealthy and too restrictive.
3. Check that the diet includes a healthy plan to eat good complex carbs and proteins at the correct times of the day to accelerate fat burning
4. Don't pick a diet that restricts certain foods that you will find it too hard!
5. Find one that has a free diet generator or an extensive list of food choices so you can vary your meals to your liking
6. Check that the plan. It is easy to maintain as part of a new healthy lifestyle, with few changes when finish after you have achieved your ideal weight. Make sure that at least some exercise is suggested.
7. Check the testimonials, success stories, and diet forums! Is there real people successfully losing weight with this plan?

Make sure to take the advice seriously, if you don't you will end up tripping from one diet to another in an attempt to find an effective diet program!
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Weight Loss Menu Planners

December 3, 2009

Weight Loss Menu PlannersFatLoss4Idiots offers an online weight loss menu planners which creates an 11days (4 meal per day) based on the foods you love. Eating 4 meals a day encourages your body to find a new "full-point", where your body acknowledges that you've eaten enough. And there are a few foods that FatLoss4Idiots menu planners suggest you eat to boost your metabolism. All of these foods provide a solid balance of Omega-3 fats and vital nutrients.

FatLoss4Idiots menu planners also offer psychological assistance for people who have a mental addiction to food, as well as calorie shifting to help with specific food cravings.

FatLoss4Idiots claims that you will be able to lose 9pounds in 11days. Of course, they exaggerate a little - but it can be done. Just follow these 5 simple steps, and you'll be able to double your chances to achieve your weight loss goals:

1. The FatLoss4Idiots weight loss menu planners will give you a lot of variety. My suggestion here is prepare your own food. If the menu planners tell you to eat lasagna, make it at home, don't use it as an excuse to go buy some chemical-laden boxed food or Pizza Hut garbage.

2. Don't forget to get an exercise. Even FatLoss4Idiots never suggest any exercise. But you should take a simple exercise, a short walk at the morning, it'll help you to your metabolism into high level, and make you weight loss journey even more effective!

3. Don't skip the "cheating" days! Again, metabolically speaking, those days when the menu planner tells you to relax and enjoy a small bowl of Yes Pecan from Ben and Jerry's, it's actually going to benefit your overall weight loss if you do so. Again, you will never lose more weight by staying on a super-strict diet than you will by following the menu planner's advice.

With the weight loss menu planners, you no longer have to count anything; not carbs, not calories, not grams of fat. You just tell the menu planners what you like and what you dislike. And it tells you when to eat it and how to eat it. Saves you time and lose weight quickly.

Article Source: FatLoss4Idiots
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Lose Fat Tummy

December 2, 2009

Are you always wondering how to lose fat tummy and get the slim belly? I am going to share inside this article how you can do it.

Eat an apple a day. This is very simple, right? You might be wondering why an apple a day will help you to lose fat tummy. Well, each apple contains about 5 grams of fiber and lots of water in it. If you eat an apple as a snack, you will easily fill up your tummy until the next meal. As a result, you end up cutting calorie intake in a safe way. Many people who cut down on their calorie intakes are doing it the wrong way and they end up screwing their metabolism and shutting it down.

It takes discipline for an individual to do this, but with perseverance you too can do it. You will see the scale slowly going down just a week after doing so.

The next part is about tummy workouts. You can actually achieve a beautiful waistline by hula-hoop. A weighted hula-hoop will help you to develop s much smaller waist while it maintains your curves. Weighted ones because it slowly rotates around your waist, allowing you to take control of it and go on with your endless twirling. This is as opposed to suing the regular hula-hoops that happens to fall on the ground easily.

You can do this simple tummy workout while watching your favorite TV show. Do it at least 10 minutes a day. After two to three weeks, you will start seeing its result.
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Suddenly Slim Diet

December 1, 2009

Suddenly Slim DietSuddenly slim diet claims you will be able to lose 6-10 pounds in 10 days. There is also a phase II - 28 days program for extended use. Suddenly slim diet promotes itself as a cleansing weight loss program. And also claims that suddenly slim diet is developed by nutritional experts, scientists, and medical doctors to produce results. It also have 100% money back guarantee.

But does the Suddenly Slim Diet work?

Suddenly slim diet, like many other programs, it is involving replace one meal with a combination of shakes or pills. Suddenly slim sells various diet products, such as Slim 'N Up, Slim 'N Up Free! Reneu', and Body FX. These products contain a combination of herbal supplements that promote weight loss.

Some of the herbs used are dandelion root, ephedra extract, chromium picolinate, and green tea. Suddenly slim diet will help you to increase your metabolism so that weight loss can occur without altering diet or having exercise. Some of the herbs are also meant to suppress appetite to control hunger and others are claimed to help clean the body. Any diet which involves losing weight that much will probably mean a loss of some muscle as well as fat.

However, these herbal supplements could be unsafe for some people. There is a misconception among the public that herbal is safe. And marketing companies know this and use this to full advantage. So, always consult with your doctor or dietitian before starting any diet plan especially like this one.

There are many diet plans out there it is up to a dieter to be responsible and do their own research to decide if a diet is right for them
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