Healthy Eating Plan
November 10, 2009
Old quote said this:
“You are what you eat.”
It’s probably true, if you always eating high amounts of calories, fat, and carbohydrates, you're probably a walking balloon in the street (unless you have a high metabolism).
If you want to have a slim or sexy body, you need to make a change about how to eat. What I called healthy eating plan.
Healthy eating plan does not mean giving up on most of the food that you like. All you need to do it make or prepare them in a way that they carry less fat, less calories, and healthy. If you've been eating outside the comforts of your home for quite some time now, then by all means you should start learning more recipes and prepare your own meals. This doesn't only make you a super cook, it also makes you more knowledgeable of the ingredients and the nutritional value that you get every meal.
Healthy eating means picking from a wide range of basic food groups. These include grains like pasta and bread, minimal amount of sugar, healthy fats, meat, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. Keep a diet diary or food journal every time you cook and eat your meals. This will help you keep track of your consumption each day.
Of course, you need to make a combination between healthy eating plan and a good exercise. The food that you eat must be burned some way or another and this won't happen if you don't take time to work out your muscle groups.
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