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How Burn Belly Fat

October 1, 2009

how burn belly fatHow burn belly fat? This is the question that people always ask, because the number one areas that people want to lose is the stomach. Many people are trying to burn belly fat by doing an endless amount of crunches and abdominal exercises, and that’s doesn’t work. Another people will do a long, steady state aerobic cardio. However long cardio hasn’t proven to be totally efficient at bringing everybody shredded six-packs.

And the best way to burn belly fat is a training protocol called High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). It is a short burst of high intense activity at about 80-90% of your maximum effort (100% is as hard as you can possibly go) and then ‘resting’ for a longer period of time at about 30% of your maximum effort. But, how effective it is?

Steve Boucher, a fitness professional in Australia, came out with some interesting findings in a research study he performed about HIIT. During a 15 week study he had women perform either HIIT or steady state cardio for 45 minutes 3 times a week. The HIIT group performed a 5 minute warm-up, did 8 seconds of bike sprints at 90% intensity with 12 seconds of ‘rest’ at 30% intensity for 20 minutes, and then finished with a 5 minute cool-down. At first the HIIT group only did 5 minutes of HIIT and built up to 20 minutes by the sixth session (2 weeks).

Here’s what he found:
• The HIIT group lost 3 times more fat then the steady cardio group
• The HIIT group worked out half as much then the steady state cardio group
• The HIIT group lost a significant amount of fat off of their stomach

If you are currently performing long, steady state cardio you could be holding yourself back from maximum fat loss. And if you’re trying to shed that ugly belly fat from your body then interval training is the way to go.

Another thing you need to know about how to perform interval training properly is taking into consideration the length of the ‘work’ interval. If the ‘work’ interval is 30 seconds long then your 80% intensity should be able to handle the 30 seconds, but you should not be able too much longer than that.

And the most important thing, especially for beginner, you should shorten up the length of your high intensity intervals. Generally, most of my beginning clients do 15-20 second intervals at 80-90% of their max with 90-120 seconds ‘rest’ at 30% of their max intensity. Typically 5-6 intervals are sufficient to begin with.

Try to do it with a 5 minute warm-up and a 5 minute cool-down.

As you progress all you have to do is make the intervals longer. Perform anywhere from 30-60 second hard intervals with 30-120 ‘rest’ intervals. Perform anywhere from 6-8 intervals and you’ll be burn belly fat in no time.


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