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Tips to Keep your Diet Diary

June 17, 2009

best exercise for losing weight, diet diary
Ok, if you every read my blog post about diet diary, you already know about function and how to use it. And many of my clients that already start to use it are surprised to see how many calories they actually consume each day. After looking their diet diary, they know what make them sheer of from reach their weight loss goals in the past.

In recording you need to write in diet diary, you don’t need to spend hours for write your calorie intake and outtake, just write the food you eat and activities you have done. For the example,
* An egg
*Two pieces of toast
*A glass of milk

After you have written the food you eat, at the night before you sleep, you should analyze the healthy and unhealthy food, snack, and the beverage. The thing you should do is, keep eat the healthy food and avoid the unhealthy food, this is simple, right?

With doing that, you also can start to planning your meals. A lot of people end up eating fast food because it's quick and easy. But if you start to plan what you will eat for tomorrow, you can commit to eating something healthy.

The other thing you should pay attention is no one read your diet diary, except yourself. So don't cheat! Commit in your writing. If you not truly write what you are eating, how will you consistently eat healthy and reach your weight loss goals?


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